About Us

We believe that we are actually moving from "technology as a tool" to "technology as an assistant": actually, we are somewhere between the two concepts.

This transition implies a lot: for users it means that we can expect more and radically different things in the present and near future. For us, it means that we must radically rethink the way we build technological solutions to adapt with this new pattern.

Engineering is no exception, while one can buy rather advanced tools, we rarely have access to smart interfaces. There are very good reasons why this should change.

Alter Ego Engineering is a small company, created to help technology become something that you can rely on, an "alter ego" capable of letting us focus on what is important, while taking care of what is not. Advanced technology needs experts as well, so we should beware of automation when there is no "human in the loop". This also implies that technology must communicate better and better with its users.

Some of our customers and partners that we are proud to work with:


Where to find us

We are located in Sceaux (pronounced as "so"), a charming commune in the southern periphery of Paris. If you are nearby, it is worth a visit, for instance for its castle and its famous park:

Sceaux park and castle

Contact information

Of course, we do not work in the castle (but sometimes in the park... ;-)

Contact :

Alter Ego Engineering

5, rue du Docteur Lequeux

92330 Sceaux (France)

Email : contact@aego.ai

SIRET : 829 392 976 00017

VAT : FR 27 829 392 976

Selection of articles

Marina Bottoni Creep and damage models for the service behaviour of structural members

Marina Bottoni: Topological search of the crack pattern from a continuum mechanical computation. Engineering Structures 09/2015; 99:346–359.

Marina Bottoni, Claudio Mazzotti, Marco Savoia: Creep tests on GFRP pultruded specimens subjected to traction or shear. Composite Structures 02/2014; 108:514-523.

Marina Bottoni, Claudio Mazzotti, Marco Savoia: Long-term experimental tests on precast beams completed with cast in situ concrete. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 06/2009; 13(6):727-744.

Marina Bottoni, Claudio Mazzotti, Marco Savoia: A finite element model for linear viscoelastic behaviour of pultruded thin-walled beams under general loadings. International Journal of Solids and Structures 02/2008; 45(3):770-793.

Marina Bottoni, Claudio Mazzotti, Marco Savoia: A fem model for analysis of RC prestressed thin-walled beams. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FRAMCOS 6); 06/2007.

Marina Bottoni, Frédéric Dufour, Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot: Coupling Creep and Damage in Concrete Through a Constant Parameter. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FRAMCOS 6); 06/2007.

Cédric Giry, Marina Bottoni, Frédéric Dufour, Panagiotis Kotronis, Jacky Mazars : Endommagement et fissuration du béton armé : passage continu – discret. Congrès Français de Mécanique, 08/2011.

Marina Bottoni, Claudio Mazzotti, Marco Savoia: Creep Tests On Gfrp Pultruded Shapes Stiffened With Carbon Fiber Sheets. Third International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering; 12/2006.

Marina Bottoni, Claudio Mazzotti, Marco Savoia: A F.E. Model for Viscoelastic Behaviour of Composite Pultruded Shapes. III European Conference on Computational Mechanic; 06/2006.

Vladimir Cerisano Kovačević, Marina Bottoni, Luca Dall’Olio et al. Visual Post-Processing of Engineering Data and Rebar Optimization Tools in the Nuclear Field, Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT-25), Charlotte, NC, USA, 08/2019

Farouk Belkadi, Luca Dall'Olio, Gilles Besombes, Alain Bernard Validation des modèles par les plans d'expérience

Thomas Abballe, Marc Albertelli, Grégoire Allaire, Philippe Conraux, Luca Dall’Olio et al.. RODIN project, Topology Optimization 2.0?.

Pierre Juillard, Guy Hubert, Luca Dall’Olio Optimisation des outils d'emboutissage

Luca Dall’Olio, Pierre Juillard Implémentation du modèle de liaison RBE3

Luca Dall’Olio, Marina Bottoni Using Code Aster in a cloud computing environment

Farouk Belkadi, Julien Le Duigou, Luca Dall’Olio, Gilles Besombes & Alain Bernard (2019) Knowledge-based platform for traceability and simulation monitoring applied to design of experiments process: an open source architecture, Journal of Engineering Design